Building Sustainable Creative Careers
Rennie Hall (3:00-4:20PM)
This session will provide methods for obtaining leadership roles, and sustaining a well-balanced creative career. These methods will be presented by our three panelists and moderators through the lens of power imbalances that women of colour face in the workplace.
The goal of this session is to highlight the importance and present key opportunities for women of colour overcoming barriers in leadership, while providing methods for sustaining financial and emotional stability in the process. Through hearing first-hand experiences and advice from women of colour in different parts of their career who have worked their way through obstacles to overcome the status quo and achieve sustainable leadership roles, followed by an interactive session, attendees will leave with tangible resources and the inspiration to work towards implementing the same level of sustainable success.
Krystal paraboo
Krystal Paraboo is a creative leader who places tremendous value on artistic expression, cultural development, and inclusive practices. Her skills encompass curatorial projects, digital marketing, copywriting, graphic design, web design, program management, community building, art consulting, art education, musical journalism, creative direction, event planning, and historical research. She is currently the Communications Manager at Women in Film & Television Vancouver, Guest Curator for the Vancouver Mural Festival, and Event Liaison at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Phebe Ferrer
Phebe Ferrer is a researcher, poet and migrant of Filipino descent. She is a recent master’s graduate in political science at UBC, as well as a proud graduate of the UBC Asian Canadian and Asian Migration studies program.
Joella cabalu
Joella Cabalu is a Filipino-Canadian documentary filmmaker with experience in organizing professional development events through her board membership at Documentary Organization of Canada. Since entering the film industry, questions around how creatives manage to live in Vancouver while pursuing their artistic interests have fuelled her curiosity and she’s thrilled to explore those issues at Future Forum 2020. She is currently producing her first feature documentary Back Home with support from Telefilm Talent to Watch fund.
To be announced
Don’t miss the 2020 Future Forum for creative BIWOC in Vancouver.